
Mean girls burn book quotes
Mean girls burn book quotes

Gretchen excitedly tells this to Cady at the cafeteria lunch table, as she enumerates the various rules that The Plastics have. Whereas Cady has been seduced by the power that being a Plastic offers, Janis is repulsed by Cady's behavior. Janis shouts this line at Cady from Damian's car, rebuking her for becoming the thing that they both once hated at the beginning of the film. You think everybody is in love with you when in fact everybody hates you! Janis CadyĬady recites these lines in voice-over narration, as she recalls the fact that she was unaware that teenage girls should not actually wear scary costumes to a Halloween party. In the real world, Halloween is when kids dress up and beg for candy, but in girl world, Halloween is the one time of year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girl can say anything about it.

mean girls burn book quotes


The remark helps precipitate Gretchen's mental collapse, on full display in the next scene when she attempts to give an oral presentation on Julius Caesar. Regina sternly rebukes Gretchen for trying to popularize the word "fetch," after making her switch places with Cady in the Winter Talent Show, and allegedly not sending her any candy cane notes. Gretchen, stop trying to make "fetch" happen.

mean girls burn book quotes

After pleading that the students don't have sex-ever, no exceptions-Coach Carr then distributes prophylactics, knowing that they will anyway. Coach CarrĬoach Carr's Health class parodies the puritanical approach to sex education common in many American high schools. Promise? Alright, everybody get some rubbers. Don't have sex on the missionary position.

Mean girls burn book quotes